Antiicteric (n.) A remedy for jaundice.
Antilegomena (n. pl.) Certain books of the New Testament which were for a time not universally received, but which are now considered canonical. These are the Epistle to the Hebrews, the Epistles of James and Jude, the second Epistle of Peter, the second and third Epistles of John, and the Revelation. The undisputed books are called the Homologoumena.
Antilibration (n.) A balancing; equipoise.
Antilithic (a.) Tending to prevent the formation of urinary calculi, or to destroy them when formed.
Antilithic (n.) An antilithic medicine.
Antilogarithm (n.) The number corresponding to a logarithm. The word has been sometimes, though rarely, used to denote the complement of a given logarithm; also the logarithmic cosine corresponding to a given logarithmic sine.
Antilogous (a.) Of the contrary name or character; -- opposed to analogous.
Antilogies (pl. ) of Antilogy
Antilogy (n.) A contradiction between any words or passages in an author.
Antiloimic (n.) A remedy against the plague.
Antilopine (a.) Of or relating to the antelope.
Antiloquist (n.) A contradicter.
Antiloquy (n.) Contradiction.
Antilyssic (a. & n.) Antihydrophobic.
Antimacassar (n.) A cover for the back or arms of a chair or sofa, etc., to prevent them from being soiled by macassar or other oil from the hair.
Antimagistrical (a.) Opposed to the office or authority of magistrates.
Antimalarial (a.) Good against malaria.
Antimask (n.) A secondary mask, or grotesque interlude, between the parts of a serious mask.
Antimason (n.) One opposed to Freemasonry.
Antimasonry (n.) Opposition to Freemasonry.
Antimephitic (a.) Good against mephitic or deleterious gases.
Antimephitic (n.) A remedy against mephitic gases.
Antimere (n.) One of the two halves of bilaterally symmetrical animals; one of any opposite symmetrical or homotypic parts in animals and plants.
Antimetabole (n.) A figure in which the same words or ideas are repeated in transposed order.
Antimetathesis (n.) An antithesis in which the members are repeated in inverse order.
Antimeter (n.) A modification of the quadrant, for measuring small angles.
Antimonarchic () Alt. of Antimonarchical
Antimonarchical () Opposed to monarchial government.
Antimonarchist (n.) An enemy to monarchial government.
Antimonate (n.) A compound of antimonic acid with a base or basic radical.
Antimonial (a.) Of or pertaining to antimony.
Antimonial (n.) A preparation or medicine containing antimony.
Antimoniated (a.) Combined or prepared with antimony; as, antimoniated tartar.
Antimonic (a.) Pertaining to, or derived from, antimony; -- said of those compounds of antimony in which this element has its highest equivalence; as, antimonic acid.
Antimonious (a.) Pertaining to, or derived from, antimony; -- said of those compounds of antimony in which this element has an equivalence next lower than the highest; as, antimonious acid.
Antimonite (n.) A compound of antimonious acid and a base or basic radical.
Antimonite (n.) Stibnite.
Antimoniureted (a.) Combined with or containing antimony; as, antimoniureted hydrogen.
Antimony (n.) An elementary substance, resembling a metal in its appearance and physical properties, but in its chemical relations belonging to the class of nonmetallic substances. Atomic weight, 120. Symbol, Sb.
Antinational (a.) Antagonistic to one's country or nation, or to a national government.
Antinephritic (a.) Counteracting, or deemed of use in, diseases of the kidneys.
Antinephritic (n.) An antinephritic remedy.
Antinomian (a.) Of or pertaining to the Antinomians; opposed to the doctrine that the moral law is obligatory.
Antinomian (n.) One who maintains that, under the gospel dispensation, the moral law is of no use or obligation, but that faith alone is necessary to salvation. The sect of Antinomians originated with John Agricola, in Germany, about the year 1535.
Antinomianism (n.) The tenets or practice of Antinomians.
Antinomist (n.) An Antinomian.
Antinomies (pl. ) of Antinomy
Antinomy (n.) Opposition of one law or rule to another law or rule.
Antinomy (n.) An opposing law or rule of any kind.
Antinomy (n.) A contradiction or incompatibility of thought or language; -- in the Kantian philosophy, such a contradiction as arises from the attempt to apply to the ideas of the reason, relations or attributes which are appropriate only to the facts or the concepts of experience.
Antiochian (a.) Pertaining to Antiochus, a contemporary with Cicero, and the founder of a sect of philosophers.
Antiochian (a.) Of or pertaining to the city of Antioch, in Syria.
Antiodontalgic (a.) Efficacious in curing toothache.
Antiodontalgic (n.) A remedy for toothache.
Antiorgastic (a.) Tending to allay venereal excitement or desire; sedative.
Antipapal (a.) Opposed to the pope or to popery.
Antiparallel (a.) Running in a contrary direction.
Antiparallels (n. pl.) Straight lines or planes which make angles in some respect opposite in character to those made by parallel lines or planes.
Antiparalytic (a.) Good against paralysis.
Antiparalytic (n.) A medicine for paralysis.
Antiparalytical (a.) Antiparalytic.
Antipathetic (a.) Alt. of Antipathetical
Antipathetical (a.) Having a natural contrariety, or constitutional aversion, to a thing; characterized by antipathy; -- often followed by to.
Antipathic (a.) Belonging to antipathy; opposite; contrary; allopathic.
Antipathist (n.) One who has an antipathy.
Antipathize (v. i.) To feel or show antipathy.
Antipathous (a.) Having a natural contrariety; adverse; antipathetic.
Antipathies (pl. ) of Antipathy
Antipathy (n.) Contrariety or opposition in feeling; settled aversion or dislike; repugnance; distaste.
Antipathy (n.) Natural contrariety; incompatibility; repugnancy of qualities; as, oil and water have antipathy.
Antipeptone (n.) A product of gastric and pancreatic digestion, differing from hemipeptone in not being decomposed by the continued action of pancreatic juice.
Antiperiodic (n.) A remedy possessing the property of preventing the return of periodic paroxysms, or exacerbations, of disease, as in intermittent fevers.
Antiperistaltic (a.) Opposed to, or checking motion; acting upward; -- applied to an inverted action of the intestinal tube.
Antiperistasis (n.) Opposition by which the quality opposed asquires strength; resistance or reaction roused by opposition or by the action of an opposite principle or quality.
Antiperistatic (a.) Pertaining to antiperistasis.
Antipetalous (a.) Standing before a petal, as a stamen.
Antipharmic (a.) Antidotal; alexipharmic.
Antiphlogistian (n.) An opposer of the theory of phlogiston.
Antiphlogistic (a.) Opposed to the doctrine of phlogiston.
Antiphlogistic (a.) Counteracting inflammation.
Antiphlogistic (n.) Any medicine or diet which tends to check inflammation.
Antiphon (n.) A musical response; alternate singing or chanting. See Antiphony, and Antiphone.
Antiphon (n.) A verse said before and after the psalms.
Antiphonal (a.) Of or pertaining to antiphony, or alternate singing; sung alternately by a divided choir or opposite choirs.
Antiphonal (n.) A book of antiphons or anthems.
Antiphonary (n.) A book containing a collection of antiphons; the book in which the antiphons of the breviary, with their musical notes, are contained.
Antiphone (n.) The response which one side of the choir makes to the other in a chant; alternate chanting or signing.
Antiphoner (n.) A book of antiphons.
Antiphonic (a.) Antiphonal.
Antiphonies (pl. ) of Antiphony
Antiphony (n.) A musical response; also, antiphonal chanting or signing.
Antiphony (n.) An anthem or psalm sung alternately by a choir or congregation divided into two parts. Also figuratively.
Antiphrasis (n.) The use of words in a sense opposite to their proper meaning; as when a court of justice is called a court of vengeance.
Antiphrastic (a.) Alt. of Antiphrastical
Antiphrastical (a.) Pertaining to antiphrasis.
Antiphthisic (a.) Relieving or curing phthisis, or consumption.
Antiphthisic (n.) A medicine for phthisis.
Antiphysical (a.) Contrary to nature; unnatural.
Antiphysical (a.) Relieving flatulence; carminative.
Antiplastic (a.) Diminishing plasticity.