Aquarian (a.) Of or pertaining to an aquarium.
Aquarian (n.) One of a sect of Christian in the primitive church who used water instead of wine in the Lord's Supper.
Aquariums (pl. ) of Aquarium
Aquaria (pl. ) of Aquarium
Aquarium (n.) An artificial pond, or a globe or tank (usually with glass sides), in which living specimens of aquatic animals or plants are kept.
Aquarius (n.) The Water-bearer; the eleventh sign in the zodiac, which the sun enters about the 20th of January; -- so called from the rains which prevail at that season in Italy and the East.
Aquarius (n.) A constellation south of Pegasus.
Aquatic (a.) Pertaining to water; growing in water; living in, swimming in, or frequenting the margins of waters; as, aquatic plants and fowls.
Aquatic (n.) An aquatic animal or plant.
Aquatic (n.) Sports or exercises practiced in or on the water.
Aquatical (a.) Aquatic.
Aquatile (a.) Inhabiting the water.
Aquatint (n.) Alt. of Aquatinta
Aquatinta (n.) A kind of etching in which spaces are bitten by the use of aqua fortis, by which an effect is produced resembling a drawing in water colors or India ink; also, the engraving produced by this method.
Aqueduct (n.) A conductor, conduit, or artificial channel for conveying water, especially one for supplying large cities with water.
Aqueduct (n.) A canal or passage; as, the aqueduct of Sylvius, a channel connecting the third and fourth ventricles of the brain.
Aqueity (n.) Wateriness.
Aqueous (a.) Partaking of the nature of water, or abounding with it; watery.
Aqueous (a.) Made from, or by means of, water.
Aqueousness (n.) Wateriness.
Aquiferous (a.) Consisting or conveying water or a watery fluid; as, aquiferous vessels; the aquiferous system.
Aquiform (a.) Having the form of water.
Aquilae (pl. ) of Aquila
Aquila (n.) A genus of eagles.
Aquila (n.) A northern constellation southerly from Lyra and Cygnus and preceding the Dolphin; the Eagle.
Aquilated (a.) Adorned with eagles' heads.
Aquiline (a.) Belonging to or like an eagle.
Aquiline (a.) Curving; hooked; prominent, like the beak of an eagle; -- applied particularly to the nose
Aquilon (n.) The north wind.
Aquiparous (a.) Secreting water; -- applied to certain glands.
Aquitanian (a.) Of or pertaining to Aquitania, now called Gascony.
Aquose (a.) Watery; aqueous.
Aquosity (n.) The condition of being wet or watery; wateriness.
Ar (conj.) Ere; before.
Ara (n.) The Altar; a southern constellation, south of the tail of the Scorpion.
Ara (n.) A name of the great blue and yellow macaw (Ara ararauna), native of South America.
Arab (n.) One of a swarthy race occupying Arabia, and numerous in Syria, Northern Africa, etc.
Arabesque (n.) A style of ornamentation either painted, inlaid, or carved in low relief. It consists of a pattern in which plants, fruits, foliage, etc., as well as figures of men and animals, real or imaginary, are fantastically interlaced or put together.
Arabesque (a.) Arabian.
Arabesque (a.) Relating to, or exhibiting, the style of ornament called arabesque; as, arabesque frescoes.
Arabesqued (a.) Ornamented in the style of arabesques.
Arabian (a.) Of or pertaining to Arabia or its inhabitants.
Arabian (n.) A native of Arabia; an Arab.
Arabic (a.) Of or pertaining to Arabia or the Arabians.
Arabic (n.) The language of the Arabians.
Arabical (a.) Relating to Arabia; Arabic.
Arabin (n.) A carbohydrate, isomeric with cane sugar, contained in gum arabic, from which it is extracted as a white, amorphous substance.
Arabin (n.) Mucilage, especially that made of gum arabic.
Arabinose (n.) A sugar of the composition C5H10O5, obtained from cherry gum by boiling it with dilute sulphuric acid.
Arabism (n.) An Arabic idiom peculiarly of language.
Arabist (n.) One well versed in the Arabic language or literature; also, formerly, one who followed the Arabic system of surgery.
Arable (a.) Fit for plowing or tillage; -- hence, often applied to land which has been plowed or tilled.
Arable (n.) Arable land; plow land.
Araby (n.) The country of Arabia.
Aracanese (a.) Of or pertaining to Aracan, a province of British Burmah.
Aracanese (n. sing. & pl.) A native or natives of Aracan.
Aracari (n.) A South American bird, of the genus Pleroglossius, allied to the toucans. There are several species.
Arace (v. t.) To tear up by the roots; to draw away.
Araceous (a.) Of or pertaining to an order of plants, of which the genus Arum is the type.
Arachnid (n.) An arachnidan.
Arachnida (n. pl.) One of the classes of Arthropoda. See Illustration in Appendix.
Arachnidan (n.) One of the Arachnida.
Arachnidial (a.) Of or pertaining to the Arachnida.
Arachnidial (a.) Pertaining to the arachnidium.
Arachnidium (n.) The glandular organ in which the material for the web of spiders is secreted.
Arachnitis (n.) Inflammation of the arachnoid membrane.
Arachnoid (a.) Resembling a spider's web; cobweblike.
Arachnoid (a.) Pertaining to a thin membrane of the brain and spinal cord, between the dura mater and pia mater.
Arachnoid (a.) Covered with, or composed of, soft, loose hairs or fibers, so as to resemble a cobweb; cobwebby.
Arachnoid (n.) The arachnoid membrane.
Arachnoid (n.) One of the Arachnoidea.
Arachnoidal (a.) Pertaining to the arachnoid membrane; arachnoid.
Arachnoidea (n. pl.) Same as Arachnida.
Arachnological (a.) Of or pertaining to arachnology.
Arachnologist (n.) One who is versed in, or studies, arachnology.
Arachnology (n.) The department of zoology which treats of spiders and other Arachnida.
Araeometer () See Areometer.
Araeostyle (a. & n.) See Intercolumniation.
Araeosystyle (a. & n.) See Intercolumniation.
Aragonese (a.) Of or pertaining to Aragon, in Spain, or to its inhabitants.
Aragonese (n. sing. & pl.) A native or natives of Aragon, in Spain.
Aragonite (n.) A mineral identical in composition with calcite or carbonate of lime, but differing from it in its crystalline form and some of its physical characters.
Araguato (n.) A South American monkey, the ursine howler (Mycetes ursinus). See Howler, n., 2.
Araise (v. t.) To raise.
Arak (n.) Same as Arrack.
Aramaean (a.) Alt. of Aramean
Aramean (a.) Of or pertaining to the Syrians and Chaldeans, or to their language; Aramaic.
Aramean (n.) A native of Aram.
Aramaic (a.) Pertaining to Aram, or to the territory, inhabitants, language, or literature of Syria and Mesopotamia; Aramaean; -- specifically applied to the northern branch of the Semitic family of languages, including Syriac and Chaldee.
Aramaic (n.) The Aramaic language.
Aramaism (n.) An idiom of the Aramaic.
Araneida (n. pl.) Alt. of Araneoidea
Araneoidea (n. pl.) See Araneina.
Araneidan (a.) Of or pertaining to the Araneina or spiders.
Araneidan (n.) One of the Araneina; a spider.
Araneiform (a.) Having the form of a spider.
Araneina (n. pl.) The order of Arachnida that includes the spiders.
Araneose (a.) Of the aspect of a spider's web; arachnoid.
Araneous (a.) Cobweblike; extremely thin and delicate, like a cobweb; as, the araneous membrane of the eye. See Arachnoid.
Arangoes (pl. ) of Arango