Irrenowned (a.) Not renowned.
Irreparability (n.) The quality or state of being irreparable; irreparableness.
Irreparable (a.) Not reparable; not capable of being repaired, recovered, regained, or remedied; irretrievable; irremediable; as, an irreparable breach; an irreparable loss.
Irreparableness (n.) Quality of being irreparable.
Irreparably (adv.) In an irreparable manner.
Irrepealability (n.) The quality or state of being irrepealable.
Irrepealable (a.) Not repealable; not capable of being repealed or revoked, as a law.
Irrepentance (n.) Want of repentance; impenitence.
Irrepleviable (a.) Alt. of Irreplevisable
Irreplevisable (a.) Not capable of being replevied.
Irreprehensible (a.) Not reprehensible; blameless; innocent.
Irrepresentable (a.) Not capable of being represented or portrayed.
Irrepressible (a.) Not capable of being repressed, restrained, or controlled; as, irrepressible joy; an irrepressible conflict.
Irrepressibly (adv.) In a manner or to a degree that can not be repressed.
Irreproachable (a.) Not reproachable; above reproach; not deserving reproach; blameless.
Irreproachableness (n.) The quality or state of being irreproachable; integrity; innocence.
Irreproachably (adv.) In an irreproachable manner; blamelessly.
Irreprovable (a.) Incapable of being justly reproved; irreproachable; blameless; upright.
Irreptitious (a.) Surreptitious; spurious.
Irreputable (a.) Disreputable.
Irresilient (a.) Not resilient; not recoiling or rebounding; inelastic.
Irresistance (n.) Nonresistance; passive submission.
Irresistibility (n.) The quality or state of being irrestible, irresistibleness.
Irresistible (a.) That can not be successfully resisted or opposed; superior to opposition; resistless; overpowering; as, an irresistible attraction.
Irresistibleness (n.) Quality of being irrestible.
Irresistibly (adv.) In an irrestible manner.
Irresistless (a.) Irresistible.
Irresoluble (a.) Incapable of being dissolved or resolved into parts; insoluble.
Irresoluble (a.) Incapable of being relieved or assisted.
Irresolubleness (n.) The state or quality of being irresoluble; insolubility.
Irresolute (a.) Not resolute; not decided or determined; wavering; given to doubt or irresolution.
Irresolution (n.) Want of resolution; want of decision in purpose; a fluctuation of mind, as in doubt, or between hope and fear; irresoluteness; indecision; vacillation.
Irresolvability (n.) The quality of being irresolvable; irresolvableness.
Irresolvable (a.) Incapable of being resolved; not separable into component parts.
Irresolvableness (n.) The quality or state of being irresolvable; irresolvability.
Irresolvedly (adv.) Without settled determination; in a hesitating manner; doubtfully.
Irrespective (a.) Without regard for conditions, circumstances, or consequences; unbiased; independent; impartial; as, an irrespective judgment.
Irrespective (a.) Disrespectful.
Irrespectively (adv.) Without regard to conditions; not making circumstances into consideration.
Irrespirable (a.) Unfit for respiration; not having the qualities necessary to support animal life; as, irrespirable air.
Irresponsibility (n.) Want of, or freedom from, responsibility or accountability.
Irresponsible (a.) Nor responsible; not liable or able to answer fro consequences; innocent.
Irresponsible (a.) Not to be trusted; unreliable.
Irresponsibly (adv.) So as not to be responsible.
Irresponsive (a.) Not responsive; not able, ready, or inclined to respond.
Irresuscitable (a.) Incapable of being resuscitated or revived.
Irretention (n.) Want of retaining power; forgetfulness.
Irretentive (a.) Not retentive; as, an irretentive memory.
Irretraceable (a.) Incapable of being retraced; not retraceable.
Irretractile (a.) Not retractile.
Irretractile (a.) Not tractile or ductile.
Irretrievable (a.) Not retrievable; irrecoverable; irreparable; as, an irretrievable loss.
Irretrievableness (n.) The state or quality of being irretrievable.
Irretrievably (adv.) In an irretrievable manner.
Irreturnable (a.) Not to be returned.
Irrevealable (a.) Incapable of being revealed.
Irreverence (n.) The state or quality of being irreverent; want of proper reverence; disregard of the authority and character of a superior.
Irreverend (a.) Irreverent.
Irreverent (a.) Not reverent; showing a want of reverence; expressive of a want of veneration; as, an irreverent babbler; an irreverent jest.
Irreverently (adv.) In an irreverent manner.
Irreversibility (n.) The state or quality of being irreversible; irreversibleness.
Irreversible (a.) Incapable of being reversed or turned about or back; incapable of being made to run backward; as, an irreversible engine.
Irreversible (a.) Incapable of being reversed, recalled, repealed, or annulled; as, an irreversible sentence or decree.
Irreversibleness (n.) The state or quality of being irreversible.
Irreversibly (adv.) In an irreversible manner.
Irrevocability (n.) The state or quality of being irrevocable; irrevocableness.
Irrevocable (a.) Incapable of being recalled or revoked; unchangeable; irreversible; unalterable; as, an irrevocable promise or decree; irrevocable fate.
Irrevokable (a.) Irrevocable.
Irrevoluble (a.) That has no finite period of revolution; not revolving.
Irrhetorical (a.) Not rethorical.
Irrigated (imp. & p. p.) of Irrigate
Irrigating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Irrigate
Irrigate (v. t.) To water; to wet; to moisten with running or dropping water; to bedew.
Irrigate (v. t.) To water, as land, by causing a stream to flow upon, over, or through it, as in artificial channels.
Irrigation (n.) The act or process of irrigating, or the state of being irrigated; especially, the operation of causing water to flow over lands, for nourishing plants.
Irriguous (a.) Watered; watery; moist; dewy.
Irriguous (a.) Gently penetrating or pervading.
Irrisible (a.) Not risible.
Irrision (n.) The act of laughing at another; derision.
Irritability (n.) The state or quality of being irritable; quick excitability; petulance; fretfulness; as, irritability of temper.
Irritability (n.) A natural susceptibility, characteristic of all living organisms, tissues, and cells, to the influence of certain stimuli, response being manifested in a variety of ways, -- as that quality in plants by which they exhibit motion under suitable stimulation; esp., the property which living muscle processes, of responding either to a direct stimulus of its substance, or to the stimulating influence of its nerve fibers, the response being indicated by a change of form, or contraction; contractility.
Irritability (n.) A condition of morbid excitability of an organ or part of the body; undue susceptibility to the influence of stimuli. See Irritation, n., 3.
Irritable (a.) Capable of being irriated.
Irritable (a.) Very susceptible of anger or passion; easily inflamed or exasperated; as, an irritable temper.
Irritable (a.) Endowed with irritability; susceptible of irritation; capable of being excited to action by the application of certain stimuli.
Irritable (a.) Susceptible of irritation; unduly sensitive to irritants or stimuli. See Irritation, n., 3.
Irritableness (n.) Irritability.
Irritably (adv.) In an irritable manner.
Irritancy (n.) The state or quality of being null and void; invalidity; forfeiture.
Irritancy (n.) The state o quality of being irritant or irritating.
Irritant (a.) Rendering null and void; conditionally invalidating.
Irritant (a.) Irritating; producing irritation or inflammation.
Irritant (n.) That which irritates or excites.
Irritant (n.) Any agent by which irritation is produced; as, a chemical irritant; a mechanical or electrical irritant.
Irritant (n.) A poison that produces inflammation.
Irritate (v. t.) To render null and void.
Irritated (imp. & p. p.) of Irritate
Irritating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Irritate
Irritate (v. t.) To increase the action or violence of; to heighten excitement in; to intensify; to stimulate.
Irritate (v. t.) To excite anger or displeasure in; to provoke; to tease; to exasperate; to annoy; to vex; as, the insolence of a tyrant irritates his subjects.