Miniature (v.) Lettering in red; rubric distinction.
Miniature (v.) A particular feature or trait.
Miniature (a.) Being on a small; much reduced from the reality; as, a miniature copy.
Miniature (v. t.) To represent or depict in a small compass, or on a small scale.
Miniaturist (n.) A painter of miniatures.
Minibus (n.) A kind of light passenger vehicle, carrying four persons.
Minie ball () A conical rifle bullet, with a cavity in its base plugged with a piece of iron, which, by the explosion of the charge, is driven farther in, expanding the sides to fit closely the grooves of the barrel.
Minie rifle () A rifle adapted to minie balls.
Minified (imp. & p. p.) of Minify
Minifying (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Minify
Minify (v. t.) To make small, or smaller; to diminish the apparent dimensions of; to lessen.
Minify (v. t.) To degrade by speech or action.
Minikin (n.) A little darling; a favorite; a minion.
Minikin (n.) A little pin.
Minikin (a.) Small; diminutive.
Minim (n.) Anything very minute; as, the minims of existence; -- applied to animalcula; and the like.
Minim (n.) The smallest liquid measure, equal to about one drop; the sixtieth part of a fluid drachm.
Minim (n.) A small fish; a minnow.
Minim (n.) A little man or being; a dwarf.
Minim (n.) One of an austere order of mendicant hermits of friars founded in the 15th century by St. Francis of Paola.
Minim (n.) A time note, formerly the shortest in use; a half note, equal to half a semibreve, or two quarter notes or crotchets.
Minim (n.) A short poetical encomium.
Minim (a.) Minute.
Miniment (n.) A trifle; a trinket; a token.
Minimization (n.) The act or process of minimizing.
Minimized (imp. & p. p.) of Minimize
Minimizimg (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Minimize
Minimize (v. t.) To reduce to the smallest part or proportion possible; to reduce to a minimum.
Minima (pl. ) of Minimum
Minimum (n.) The least quantity assignable, admissible, or possible, in a given case; hence, a thing of small consequence; -- opposed to maximum.
Minimi (pl. ) of Minimus
Minimus (n.) A being of the smallest size.
Minimus (n.) The little finger; the fifth digit, or that corresponding to it, in either the manus or pes.
Mining (v. i.) The act or business of making mines or of working them.
Mining (a.) Of or pertaining to mines; as, mining engineer; mining machinery; a mining region.
Minion (n.) Minimum.
Minion (n.) A loved one; one highly esteemed and favored; -- in a good sense.
Minion (n.) An obsequious or servile dependent or agent of another; a fawning favorite.
Minion (n.) A small kind of type, in size between brevier and nonpareil.
Minion (n.) An ancient form of ordnance, the caliber of which was about three inches.
Minion (a.) Fine; trim; dainty.
Minionette (a.) Small; delicate.
Minionette (n.) A size of type between nonpareil and minion; -- used in ornamental borders, etc.
Minioning (n.) Kind treatment.
Minionize (v. t.) To flavor.
Minionlike (a. & adv.) Alt. of Minionly
Minionly (a. & adv.) Like a minion; daintily.
Minionship (n.) State of being a minion.
Minious (a.) Of the color of red or vermilion.
Minish (a.) To diminish; to lessen.
Minishment (n.) The act of diminishing, or the state of being diminished; diminution.
Minister (n.) A servant; a subordinate; an officer or assistant of inferior rank; hence, an agent, an instrument.
Minister (n.) An officer of justice.
Minister (n.) One to whom the sovereign or executive head of a government intrusts the management of affairs of state, or some department of such affairs.
Minister (n.) A representative of a government, sent to the court, or seat of government, of a foreign nation to transact diplomatic business.
Minister (n.) One who serves at the altar; one who performs sacerdotal duties; the pastor of a church duly authorized or licensed to preach the gospel and administer the sacraments.
Ministered (imp. & p. p.) of Minister
Ministering (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Minister
Minister (n.) To furnish or apply; to afford; to supply; to administer.
Minister (v. i.) To act as a servant, attendant, or agent; to attend and serve; to perform service in any office, sacred or secular.
Minister (v. i.) To supply or to things needful; esp., to supply consolation or remedies.
Ministerial (a.) Of or pertaining to ministry or service; serving; attendant.
Ministerial (a.) Of or pertaining to the office of a minister or to the ministry as a body, whether civil or sacerdotal.
Ministerial (a.) Tending to advance or promote; contributive.
Ministerialist (n.) A supporter of the ministers, or the party in power.
Ministerially (adv.) In a ministerial manner; in the character or capacity of a minister.
Ministery (n.) See Ministry.
Ministracy (n.) Ministration.
Ministral (a.) Ministerial.
Ministrant (a.) Performing service as a minister; attendant on service; acting under command; subordinate.
Ministrant (n.) One who ministers.
Ministration (n.) The act of ministering; service; ministry.
Ministrative (a.) Serving to aid; ministering.
Ministress (n.) A woman who ministers.
Ministry (n.) The act of ministering; ministration; service.
Ministry (n.) Agency; instrumentality.
Ministry (n.) The office, duties, or functions of a minister, servant, or agent; ecclesiastical, executive, or ambassadorial function or profession.
Ministry (n.) The body of ministers of state; also, the clergy, as a body.
Ministry (n.) Administration; rule; term in power; as, the ministry of Pitt.
Ministryship (n.) The office of a minister.
Minium (n.) A heavy, brilliant red pigment, consisting of an oxide of lead, Pb3O4, obtained by exposing lead or massicot to a gentle and continued heat in the air. It is used as a cement, as a paint, and in the manufacture of flint glass. Called also red lead.
Miniver (n.) A fur esteemed in the Middle Ages as a part of costume. It is uncertain whether it was the fur of one animal only or of different animals.
Minivet (n.) A singing bird of India of the family Campephagidae.
Mink (n.) A carnivorous mammal of the genus Putorius, allied to the weasel. The European mink is Putorius lutreola. The common American mink (P. vison) varies from yellowish brown to black. Its fur is highly valued. Called also minx, nurik, and vison.
Minnesinger (n.) A love-singer; specifically, one of a class of German poets and musicians who flourished from about the middle of the twelfth to the middle of the fourteenth century. They were chiefly of noble birth, and made love and beauty the subjects of their verses.
Minnow (n.) A small European fresh-water cyprinoid fish (Phoxinus laevis, formerly Leuciscus phoxinus); sometimes applied also to the young of larger kinds; -- called also minim and minny. The name is also applied to several allied American species, of the genera Phoxinus, Notropis, or Minnilus, and Rhinichthys.
Minnow (n.) Any of numerous small American cyprinodont fishes of the genus Fundulus, and related genera. They live both in fresh and in salt water. Called also killifish, minny, and mummichog.
Minny (n.) A minnow.
Mino bird () An Asiatic bird (Gracula musica), allied to the starlings. It is black, with a white spot on the wings, and a pair of flat yellow wattles on the head. It is often tamed and taught to pronounce words.
Minor (a.) Inferior in bulk, degree, importance, etc.; less; smaller; of little account; as, minor divisions of a body.
Minor (a.) Less by a semitone in interval or difference of pitch; as, a minor third.
Minor (n.) A person of either sex who has not attained the age at which full civil rights are accorded; an infant; in England and the United States, one under twenty-one years of age.
Minor (n.) The minor term, that is, the subject of the conclusion; also, the minor premise, that is, that premise which contains the minor term; in hypothetical syllogisms, the categorical premise. It is the second proposition of a regular syllogism, as in the following: Every act of injustice partakes of meanness; to take money from another by gaming is an act of injustice; therefore, the taking of money from another by gaming partakes of meanness.
Minor (n.) A Minorite; a Franciscan friar.
Minorate (v. t.) To diminish.
Minoration (n.) A diminution.
Minoress (n.) See Franciscan Nuns, under Franciscan, a.
Minorite (n.) A Franciscan friar.
Minorities (pl. ) of Minority
Minority (a. & n.) The state of being a minor, or under age.