Unnatural (a.) Not natural; contrary, or not conforming, to the order of nature; being without natural traits; as, unnatural crimes.
Unnaturalize (v. t.) To make unnatural.
Unnature (v. t.) To change the nature of; to invest with a different or contrary nature.
Unnature (n.) The contrary of nature; that which is unnatural.
Unnear (prep.) Not near; not close to; at a distance from.
Unnesessary (a.) Not necessary; not required under the circumstances; unless; needless; as, unnecessary labor, care, or rigor.
Unnecessity (n.) The state of being unnecessary; something unnecessary.
Unneighbored (a.) Being without neigbors.
Unneighborly (a.) Not neighborly; distant; reserved; solitary; exclusive.
Unneighborly (adv.) Not in a neighborly manner.
Unnervate (a.) Enervate.
Unnerve (v. t.) To deprive of nerve, force, or strength; to weaken; to enfeeble; as, to unnerve the arm.
Unnest (v. t.) To eject from a nest; to unnestle.
Unnestle (v. t.) Same as Unnest.
Unnethe (adv.) Alt. of Unnethes
Unnethes (adv.) With difficulty. See Uneath.
Unnoble (a.) Ignoble.
Unnobly (adv.) Ignobly.
Unhooked (a.) Without nooks and corners; guileless.
Unnotify (v. t.) To retract or withdraw a notice of.
Unnumbered (a.) Not numbered; not counted or estimated; innumerable.
Unnumerable (a.) Innumerable.
Unnun (v. t.) To remove from condition of being a nun.
Unobedience (n.) Disobedience.
Unobedient (a.) Disobedient.
Unobservance (n.) Want or neglect of observance; inobservance.
Unobtrusive (a.) Not obtrusive; not presuming; modest.
Unoffensive (a.) Inoffensive.
Unoften (adv.) Not often.
Unoil (v. t.) To remove the oil from.
Unoperative (a.) Producing no effect; inoperative.
Unoperculated (a.) Destitute of an operculum, or cover.
Unorder (v. t.) To countermand an order for.
Unorderly (a.) Disorderly.
Unordinate (a.) Disorderly; irregular; inordinate.
Unorganized (a.) Not organized; being without organic structure; specifically (Biol.), not having the different tissues and organs characteristic of living organisms, nor the power of growth and development; as, the unorganized ferments. See the Note under Ferment, n., 1.
Unoriginated (a.) Not originated; existing from all eternity.
Unoriginated (a.) Not yet caused to be, or to be made; as, possible inventions still unoriginated.
Unoriginately (adv.) Without origin.
Unossified (a.) Destitute of a bony structure.
Unowed (a.) Ownerless.
Unowed (a.) Not owed; as, to pay money unowed.
Unowned (a.) Not owned; having no owner.
Unowned (a.) Not acknowledged; not avowed.
Unpack (v. t.) To separate and remove, as things packed; to open and remove the contents of; as, to unpack a trunk.
Unpack (v. t.) To relieve of a pack or burden.
Unpacker (n.) One who unpacks.
Unpaganize (v. t.) To cause to cease to be pagan; to divest of pagan character.
Unpaint (v. t.) To remove the paint from; to efface, as a painting.
Unpaired (a.) Not paired; not suited or matched.
Unpalped (a.) Destitute of a palp.
Unpannel (v. t.) To take the saddle off; to unsaddle.
Unparadise (v. t.) To deprive of happiness like that of paradise; to render unhappy.
Unparagoned (a.) Having no paragon or equal; matchless; peerless.
Unparalleled (a.) Having no parallel, or equal; unequaled; unmatched.
Unparched (a.) Dried up; withered by heat.
Unparented (a.) Having no parent, or no acknowledged parent.
Unparliamentary (a.) Not parliamentary; contrary to the practice of parliamentary bodies.
Unpartial (a.) Impartial.
Unpassable (a.) Impassable.
Unpassionate (a.) Not passionate; dispassionate.
Unpastor (v. t.) To cause to be no longer pastor; to deprive of pastorship.
Unpathed (a.) Not having a path.
Unpathwayed (a.) Pathless.
Unpatience (n.) Impatience.
Unpatient (a.) Impatient.
Unpaved (a.) Not paved; not furnished with a pavement.
Unpaved (a.) Castrated.
Unpay (v. t.) To undo, take back, or annul, as a payment.
Unpeace (n.) Absence or lack of peace.
Unpedigreed (a.) Not distinguished by a pedigree.
Unpeeled (a.) Thoroughly stripped; pillaged.
Unpeeled (a.) Not peeled.
Unpeerable (a.) Incapable of having a peer, or equal.
Unpeered (a.) Having no peer; unequaled; unparalleled.
Unpeg (v. t.) To remove a peg or pegs from; to unfasten; to open.
Unpen (v. t.) To release from a pen or from confinement.
Unpenetrable (a.) Impenetrable.
Unpenitent (a.) Impenitent.
Unpeople (v. t.) To deprive of inhabitants; to depopulate.
Unperegal (a.) Unequal.
Unperfect (v. t.) To mar or destroy the perfection of.
Unperfect (a.) Imperfect.
Unperfection (n.) Want of perfection; imperfection.
Unperishable (a.) Imperishable.
Unperishably (adv.) Imperishably.
Unperplex (v. t.) To free from perplexity.
Unpersuasion (n.) The state of not being persuaded; disbelief; doubt.
Unpervert (v. t.) To free from perversion; to deliver from being perverted; to reconvert.
Unphilosophize (v. t.) To degrade from the character of a philosopher.
Unpick (v. t.) To pick out; to undo by picking.
Unpicked (a.) Picked out; picked open.
Unpicked (a.) Not picked.
Unpin (v. t.) To loose from pins; to remove the pins from; to unfasten; as, to unpin a frock; to unpin a frame.
Unpinion (v. t.) To loose from pinions or manacles; to free from restraint.
Unpitied (a.) Not pitied.
Unpitied (a.) Pitiless; merciless.
Unpitious (a.) Impious; wicked.
Unpitious (a.) Destitute of pity; pitiless.
Unpitousty (n.) Impiety.